Service Mesh Solutions

Service mesh solutions are revolutionizing modern application development and management, being
essential for organizations seeking to scale, secure, and optimize their microservices architecture.
However, the lack of specialized service mesh developers can hinder your project’s progress. With
our expert team, we are here to deliver a seamless and professional implementation, empowering
your application with a scalable and resilient microservices network.

Contact us now!

Our Service Mesh Solutions To Support You

Our expert developers can provide you with comprehensive services regarding service mesh and microservices to seamlessly integrate and enhance your application network, overcome challenges, meet deadlines, and exceed expectations. This includes:

  • Consulting on microservices and modern application design technologies

  • Choosing the best service mesh adoption model and software for you

  • Implementing microservices and service mesh architecture into your application

  • Adding a service mesh layer to your environments

  • Managing network connectivity and functionality

  • Testing, debugging, and providing ongoing support

  • Enhancing authentication, authorization, and audit tools for data protection and privacy

What Is Service Mesh?

A service mesh works as a dedicated infrastructure layer built to facilitate communication between microservices within a distributed application. Unlike monolithic architectures, microservices divide applications into smaller, loosely coupled services that work together to provide the overall structure and functionality.

  • The power of microservices

    Microservices offer independent development, deployment, and scalability for each service, enabling agility and flexibility in application development. This modular approach facilitates the introduction of new features or updates without disrupting the entire system.

  • Service-to-service communication

    As microservices increase, managing their communication, traffic, security, and observability becomes challenging. A service mesh simplifies this by providing a centralized framework, abstracting networking complexities for developers to focus on business logic.

  • Enhancing connectivity and resilience

    A service mesh functionality ensures fast, resilient microservice connections through advanced traffic management capabilities like load balancing, circuit breaking, and automatic retries. These capabilities efficiently distribute traffic, prevent cascading failures, and ensure fault tolerance in the application network.

  • Security and observability

    A service mesh benefits security and observability in microservices through robust authentication, encryption, and comprehensive monitoring features like metrics, logs, and distributed tracing.

Why Choose Service Mesh Technology?

Service mesh, as a comprehensive solution and networking framework, manages the complexities of microservices architecture utilized in modern cloud-native application development. By adopting a service mesh, organizations can:

Service Mesh Tools We Work With

Whether it’s open source, commercial vendors, or managed mesh services, we have extensive experience leading projects using a diverse range of tools available on the market. These include:

Key Features of Our Microservices and Service Mesh Offerings

Our microservices and service mesh implementations come packed with powerful features for modern application development.

  • Microservices architecture and service mesh implementation

    – A focus on designing, developing, and deploying applications using the microservices architectural style.

    – Implementation of service mesh technology to manage communication, traffic, security, and observability between microservices.

    – Utilization of popular service mesh frameworks such as Istio, Linkerd, or Envoy.

  • Scalability, resiliency, and service discovery

    – Designing applications to be scalable and resilient to handle workloads and failures in a distributed environment.

    – Implementation of service mesh discovery mechanisms to dynamically locate and communicate with microservices.

  • Traffic management and load balancing

    – Load balancing techniques to ensure efficient distribution of requests among available services.

    – Management and control of network traffic flow between microservices, including routing based on predefined rules and policies.

  • Monitoring, logging, and observability

    – Monitoring, logging, and request tracing within the microservices architecture to enhance visibility and optimize performance.

  • Security and authentication

    – Integration of authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms for secure communication and access control between microservices.

  • Integration with DevOps and CI/CD

    – Integration of microservices and service mesh offerings with DevOps practices and continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

How We Implement Service Mesh Infrastructure

Service Mesh Evaluation and Selection
  • Evaluating application architecture suitability
  • Selecting the optimal service mesh framework
Service Mesh Setup and Configuration
  • Developing a deployment plan
  • Setting up control plane components
  • Defining policies for traffic management, security, and observability
  • Configuring rules for routing, load balancing, and traffic splitting
Enabling Communication with Sidecar Proxies
  • Injecting sidecar proxies for communication and policy enforcement
  • Setting up monitoring and observability tools
Testing, Optimization, and Ongoing Support
  • Conducting comprehensive testing
  • Adapting and optimizing policies and configurations
  • Providing ongoing support for the service mesh infrastructure

The Benefits of Partnering with Multishoring for Service Mesh Projects

We are one of the largest and most experienced IT outsourcing companies in Poland

Custom software development process based on Agile and DevOps principles

500 experienced consultants and senior developers, including those specialized in microservices and service mesh architecture, located across the U.S.A. and other major Western countries

High-quality IT services thanks to well-defined processes

Easy and flexible access to over 3,000 developers in Poland, known as one of the best countries for outsourcing, including service mesh application developers

Like-your-own-team experience – the model of cooperation with personal meetings whenever needed ensures that you feel our developers as your own onsite team, even if most of the work is done remotely

Work With Us to Leverage Service Mesh Technology

Hire us to explore the full potential of service mesh architecture. Our experienced team of application developers will deliver professional service mesh layer implementation, helping you create a robust communication network. Whether you need to establish a new network or expand your existing microservices landscape, we follow best practices, meet deadlines, and exceed business expectations. Collaborate with us based on our nearshoring and offshoring services. With years of experience, a talented team of app developers, and mature processes, we are your ideal IT partner. Contact us for a proposal.


What are examples of service meshes?

The most popular and well-established examples of service meshes include:

  • Istio: Istio is an open-source service mesh that provides advanced traffic management, observability, and security features. It integrates with popular platforms such as Kubernetes and supports multiple programming languages and frameworks.
  • Linkerd: Linkerd is another open-source service mesh designed for cloud-native applications. It focuses on simplicity, performance, and reliability. Linkerd offers features like traffic routing, load balancing, and observability.
  • Envoy: Envoy is a high-performance open-source proxy designed for modern architectures. It can be used as a standalone proxy or as a component of a service mesh. Envoy provides advanced load balancing, routing, and observability capabilities.
  • AWS App Mesh: AWS App Mesh is a managed service mesh provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to monitor and control traffic between microservices running on AWS, providing features like traffic routing, observability, and access control.
  • Azure Service Fabric Mesh: Azure Service Fabric Mesh is a fully managed service mesh offering by Microsoft Azure. It simplifies the deployment and management of microservices-based applications on Azure. It includes features such as automatic scaling, service discovery, and load balancing.
  • NGINX Service Mesh: NGINX Service Mesh is a commercial service mesh solution built on top of the popular NGINX web server. It provides features like traffic routing, load balancing, and security policies, offering enhanced control and visibility for microservices deployments.

Each service mesh has its own set of features, capabilities, and integrations, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your specific requirements and environment.

What is the difference between load balancer and service mesh?

A load balancer is primarily responsible for distributing incoming traffic across backend servers to optimize resource utilization. On the other hand, a service mesh focuses on managing and securing communication between microservices, offering additional features beyond traffic routing, such as observability and security. Load balancers are typically employed at the network layer, while service meshes operate at the application layer. They work in conjunction with load balancers to provide comprehensive infrastructure management for distributed applications.

Is service mesh necessary?

The necessity of a service mesh depends on the specific requirements and complexities of your application architecture. While service mesh technology offers numerous benefits, it may not be required in all scenarios. The decision to adopt a service mesh should be based on a careful evaluation of your application’s specific needs, complexities, and future growth plans. Consulting with experienced architects or engineers can help determine if a service mesh is necessary and how it can benefit your particular use case.

What’s a service mesh and why do I need one?

A service mesh is an infrastructure layer that facilitates communication between microservices in a distributed application. It offers traffic management, security, observability, resilience, and scalability capabilities. By providing these features, a service mesh simplifies the management of complex microservices architectures, ensuring efficient and secure communication between services. If you have a growing number of microservices and need to enhance communication, security, and observability, a service mesh is essential for you.

What does the service mesh do?

A service mesh provides several key functions in a microservices architecture:

  • Traffic management: It controls and optimizes the flow of network traffic between microservices, ensuring efficient distribution of requests.
  • Service discovery: It enables automatic service discovery, simplifying the process of locating and communicating with microservices.
  • Security and policy enforcement: It provides built-in security measures like authentication and encryption to protect data and enforce access policies.
  • Observability: It offers monitoring and tracing capabilities to gain insights into the interactions and performance of microservices.
  • Resilience and fault tolerance: It helps handle failures and disruptions, ensuring the system remains available and responsive.
  • Scalability and deployment flexibility: It supports dynamic scaling of microservices to adapt to changing workloads.

In summary, a service mesh manages traffic, enhances security, provides observability, ensures resilience, and enables efficient scaling in a microservices architecture.

Which is the best service mesh?

The choice of the best service mesh depends on various factors, including specific requirements, use case, and preferences. The best service mesh for your needs will depend on factors such as application architecture, infrastructure, programming languages, and integration requirements. Consulting with us can help you evaluate each service mesh’s features, compatibility, community support, and ease of use to determine the best fit for your project.

What is a service mesh network?

A service mesh network is an infrastructure layer that enables communication between microservices in a distributed application. It uses sidecar proxies deployed alongside each microservice to handle tasks like traffic routing, load balancing, and security. Service mesh networks offer benefits such as improved observability, centralized management, and enhanced security. They simplify microservices development and management by abstracting away networking complexities and enabling fine-grained control over communication.

Is service mesh only for microservices?

Service mesh is commonly associated with microservices architectures, but its benefits can extend beyond microservices. It can be utilized in monolithic applications to enhance specific aspects such as traffic management, security, and observability. In hybrid environments, service mesh helps manage communication between microservices and monolithic components. While service mesh shines in microservices architectures, its concepts and advantages can be leveraged in other application styles to improve networking, security, and observability.

What is the purpose of service mesh in Kubernetes?

A service mesh in Kubernetes enhances and manages communication between microservices within a Kubernetes cluster. While Kubernetes offers a robust container orchestration platform, it lacks built-in features for handling the complexities of microservices communication. This is where a service mesh, like Istio, Linkerd, or Envoy, comes in, integrating into the Kubernetes environment to provide advanced networking capabilities and additional functionalities.

What is a service mesh data plane?

The service mesh data plane is a vital component of a service mesh architecture, responsible for managing network traffic between microservices. Implemented using sidecar proxies, it facilitates routing, load balancing, security, and observability within the service mesh. It plays a critical role in handling actual network traffic between microservices and ensuring efficient communication within the service mesh architecture.