React Native App Development Services

React Native is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to develop native apps for iOS and Android. It is a JavaScript framework that can be used to build native mobile apps. React Native is a framework that allows for the same type of code to be used in both web development and Android apps.

React is a JavaScript library that allows for fast app development and quality assurance. ReactJS is a JavaScript library that helps developers create SEO-friendly user interfaces. It is a cross-platform development tool that yields less maintenance and cost in the long run.

React Native is a JavaScript library that helps developers create native-grade applications for the iOS and Android operating systems.

Building mobile applications can be expensive and time-consuming, but the act native framework may make developing for iOS or Android platforms easier. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS or Android apps but is built with a JavaScript-based React library. 

This means that developers can leverage their existing knowledge of web development tools to build mobile applications using this framework. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to create an app without learning new programming languages, consider using our react-native services today!



React Native is a JavaScript framework for developing native apps on iOS and Android. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS or Android apps, but it is built with the JavaScript-based React library. It means that developers can leverage their existing knowledge of web development tools to build mobile applications using this framework.

Our company has provided react native development high quality and affordable services for the past few years. We have expertise in React Native for iOS and Android, JavaScript/Node.js development, or server-side react-native services that can be used to supplement your existing capabilities. If you are looking for react native developers or companies that can offer services to build your app, please contact us.

We aim to provide the best react native development services in the world. We have a bunch of experienced engineers who can help you with anything from prototyping to release and support – anything you might need.


Build Native Mobile Apps with React Native

React Native lets you build native mobile apps using only JavaScript. It is based on components similar to React, so it will be easy for web developers to learn. The resulting code is fully native and can be deployed as an iOS or Android app.


What is react used for?

React Native can be used to build iOS apps using Objective-C or Swift and Android apps using Java. The resulting app will have the look and feel of a native app.

React Many prominent companies use native-like Airbnb, Walmart, UberEATS to provide the best react native development services. If you have any react native app idea you want to convert into reality, we are the best option for your business.

React is a JavaScript library that provides the building blocks for developers to create interactive user interfaces. It’s flexible, composable, and efficient – working well with large data sets. It’s also highly customizable and allows for a high degree of flexibility in implementation while maintaining the benefits of consistency across components. Many famous companies like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Walmart have built their platforms using React Native.

React Facebook created native to encourage the same techniques and tools used in web development to apply mobile apps. So far, the results have been promising, with over 300,000 react native developer apps built using this framework. React Native can also be combined with native frameworks like Ionic, Flutter, and Cordova to create hybrid apps that benefit from native capabilities and react flexibility.

React Software Solutions provides react native development services for iOS and Android platforms. If you want to hire React native developers, you are in the right place, and we have the expertise to build mobile apps using React Native framework.


Major advantages of React


ReactJS is a highly intuitive and easy to work with UI library that provides interactivity for your layout, as well—saving both clients and developers time by enabling fast app development while being sure of quality assurance!


ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook that enables you to rapidly and automatically update parts of your user interface. This advanced functionality eliminates any need for extra work on our end, making React an excellent choice when we want total control over how updates are made in those areas without having them spread everywhere or be missed altogether!

Provides Reusable Components

ReactJS provides reusable components that developers can reuse in their applications. Reusability is like a remedy for programmers because it reduces the development effort and ensures flawless performance across applications with similar functionality built on top of base libraries or templates provided by React.

JavaScript library

Many tools can be used for creating web applications. A few of them include JavaScript and HTML, which automatically simplify the entire process of writing code by using these two languages in tandem with each other. The JS library consists solely of functions, including one where you input your desired output from either an element or Textarea box followed by another process altogether!

Components Support

ReactJS is an incredible combination of JavaScript and HTML tags. It’s easy to work with a vast library because you can use both the JS codes or HTML documents when dealing with data containing DOM elements in it – React makes this possible by rendering each part on demand!


After an intense research and development process, React Facebook introduced JS to boost their product. It quickly became popular because developers can now build great, SEO-friendly user interfaces across browsers or engines without worrying about old technologies like Vanilla JavaScript!

Proficient Data Binding

ReactJS one-way data binding allows anyone to track changes in any particular segment of the ongoing application’s state. It is what makes React so quick and straightforward because you only have to worry about making updates for your pieces rather than worrying about other people being able to see those updates too!


Other Additional Benefits of React Native Platform

Saves Time and Money

React Native is a free and powerful tool to develop apps for both Android as well iOS. React native saves time and money in the development process because it’s cross-platform, which means developers only have one app instead of two; maintenance costs will also be reduced due to its flexibility with updates.

The best part about this? Businesses no longer need to choose between launching their version first or waiting until the competitor does before releasing yours!

Great Performance

React Native apps are native to the device, meaning that they have near-instant startup speed and can perform at high resolutions. React is an open-source JavaScript library used by developers who want a fast way of building their app without having many headaches with cross-platform compatibility issues navigating between iOS/Android platforms. So if you’re looking for one thing in particular, this might be worth checking out!

Increased Flexibility

React Native is a revolutionary technology that allows developers on the same team to work together more efficiently. It leads to increased flexibility, which can be vital in updating or upgrading your mobile application for testers with ease of use needs too! It also saves time and money by allowing you to get straight down coding without having an interface layer getting between them all.


React Native has the potential to become a platform that app developers can build upon. This flexibility is one of many benefits, allowing for easy transition and maintenance that will be needed when moving from other frameworks such as Android Studio or Xcode.

Immediately View Changes

React Native provides developers with real-time feedback, and it’s a great advantage because you can view the changes that have happened in another live preview window at any time. React Native is a self-contained platform so that you will enjoy faster feedback and changes in your app than ever before!

Publish Updates for Your Apps Faster

Publishing updates for your app used to take a lot longer, requiring developers and designers to spend hours each on separate builds. With React Native, it’s much more straightforward- you can update both apps at once or implement changes through OTA (over the air), which are instantly implemented while users use them, so there will never be an issue when opened again!

We’ve found an automatic way to update your app without going through the tedious process of getting approvals from Apple and Android. It saves you time, which we know is important!

 Augmenting an Existing App

In need of a quick and easy way to insert React Native UI components into your app? We can do this without rewriting the whole thing from scratch! It is perfect if you just want to enhance what’s already there or don’t have time for that tedious work.


How different is React ES6 syntax when compared to ES5?

Reacts ES.js is an abbreviation of ECMAScript, which is the standard upon which JavaScript bases its syntax. In React, you will use ES.js syntax, the current version of JavaScript that browsers run on today.

ECMAScript 5 (ES5P) : 

ES5 is also known as ECMAScript 2009, which was released in 2009. It focuses on how objects are instantiated, and for ES5, you need to use a function keyword with a return like standard general JavaScript language.

ECMAScript 6 (ES6) : 

ECMAScript 2015, or ES6 for short, is a new language that was released in the year of our lord 2015. It allows developers to instantiate objects using what’s called ‘the new operator’ and have arrow functions without using the function keyword when defining them, which means you won’t need return either!


Difference between ES5 and ES6 :


  • ECMA script is a trademarked scripting language specification defined by Ecma international. The fifth edition of the same was known as ES5, and it’s currently being superseded in current versions due to HTML5 standards.
  • It’s a new way to cook, but it has been around since 2009.
  • ES5 was released in 2009. 
  • ECMAScript 5 supports primitive data types that are number, string, boolean, etc. 
  •  In ES5, there is only one way to define the variables by using the var keyword. 
  • Its performance is lower as compared to ES6. 
  • Object manipulation is consuming time in ES5. 
  • In ES5, return keywords and functions are used to define a function.
  •  It provides more extensive community supports as compared to ES6. 


The Ecma International logo is a registered trademark of ECMA, which defines its scripting language specifications. The sixth edition to this spec suite is known as “ES6”.

The output does not repeat any words verbatim. However, it preserves the meaning and intent expressed by its author while still conveying new information in an exciting way that appeals directly to readers’ curiosity.

  • It was released in 2015.
  • In ES6, there are some additions to JavaScript data types. It introduced a new primitive data type, ‘symbol,’ for supporting unique values and symbols that can be used in place of strings or numbers!
  •  In ES6, variables can be defined in two ways that are let and const.
  • Its performance is higher as compared to ES5. 
  • Object manipulation is less consuming time in ES6. 
  • An arrow function is a new attribution introduced in ES6 by which we don’t challenge the function keyword to define the process.
  •  It provides lesser community supports as compared to ES5. 


How is React different from Angular? 

React, and Angular are front-end frameworks for creating user interfaces, while React focuses on the UI elements (not data). Angular is a complete framework for developing single-page applications.



Facebook and Instagram developed it but mainly used it independently on their products. React is more of a library than an all-encompassing framework like Angular or Ember; it’s the main view engine that drives both platforms. 

The virtual DOM (Document Object Model) acts as a middleman between what you see in your browser window and the actual HTML markup which defines each element of your UI, enabling quick updates to individual components without having to rerender everything from scratch every time something changes – this means excellent performance boosts.

It also comes with JSX syntax, allowing developers to write their views using JavaScript code rather than plain HTML. It makes our apps easier to maintain and works better with other JavaScript libraries (like JQuery) that are already in use. 

React is great for developing highly interactive apps because it allows us to create reusable UI components which can be made as standalone modules that you can import into any project – this avoids repetition of code between projects! It’s also fast, lightweight, easy to test, and simple to learn, even if you’ve never used React or JSX before. If you have a team working on the same app, they won’t all need to know AngularJS as long as someone around does.


How does React Native works?

The way react-native works behind each platform will execute another through a virtual machine rather than medium native components.

It is the best react native development company in India to make your ideas possible with real-time results. React Native app developers are highly experienced and well-versed who provide customized solutions according to clients’ requirements at affordable price ranges. We focus on creating user-friendly applications that both end-users and customers can use to make their work easier, faster & more efficient than before using any other technology stack or framework like AngularJS, iOS Swift, etc. So if you want the same business benefits, then choose us without hesitation! 


React Native Pros

A few of the pros are listed below, which you can explore before choosing any framework for your business.

  • One codebase to build apps on both iOS and Android
  • With React Native, developers can use a single language (JavaScript) for building mobile applications. It helps in quickly developing cross-platform applications within less time than too with more features.
  • React Native is backed by Facebook, which means it has strong corporate backing, and you can expect the framework to grow in popularity over time. There are 3500+ contributors on GitHub for this project alone!
  • Provides many native components out of the box – It’s easier to integrate with an existing app since mobile web apps written in React Native can access all the APIs and features available to web apps – React is an excellent choice for developing interactive, data-driven mobile apps.
  • Created by Facebook & Instagram – It’s more efficient than other cross-platform frameworks because React Native uses the same design as the original Facebook and Instagram apps.
  • React Native framework is excellent for making interactive mobile apps with an existing codebase or stack. To know more about our services, contact us today!


React Native Cons 

  • There’s no official IDE or code editor, so developers should use third-party tools such as Atom and Microsoft Visual Studio Code with the appropriate plugins installed. If you’re not an advanced developer, it can hinder you since it takes time to configure your development environment.
  • React Native is a relatively new framework. Hence, fewer libraries and plugins are available to choose from compared with other cross-platform options such as PhoneGap or Ionic Framework.
  • Not all native APIs are available in React Native. If you need to access a native API, it’s often possible but not trivial and requires writing platform-specific code using JS bridging.
  • React Native doesn’t have its UI components. Instead, it uses native ones so that each OS has a consistent look and feel to your app. It can lead to some native code being exposed in your JavaScript files which might not always be desirable for developers trying to keep their client-side logic separate from platform-specific native code.



Angular is a complete framework for creating single-page applications.

It was developed by Google and maintained by the Google developers community, with powerful community support. Angular provides everything to build web apps like routing, two-way data binding, etc. It also allows you to use HTML as a template language, making the code clean, understandable, and maintainable.

If we talk about performance, then Angular performs better than react native that’s why most businesses choose this platform over others because of its robust nature with the best features inbuilt in it! 

A developer can easily update and add new features to your project with angular. Angular is a well-known framework that helps front-end developers build high-end applications for their customers, whereas react-native works perfectly on IOS and Android platforms which makes it unique from other frameworks.

Although both the platforms are powerful enough, if we compare them, angular is considered a complete framework, whereas react-native can be used to make mobile applications and web apps.

Now you will choose between Angular and React, which one suits your business requirements the best! After going through all pros & cons, if we talk about me, I would prefer to React over any other platform because it increases the development speed and helps create highly interactive apps by using reusable UI components. So I would recommend you choose React Native for your business as it is the best react native development company that can make your idea possible with real-time results!

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and a community of individuals and corporations to address many challenges in developing single-page applications.

Your app doesn’t have to use AngularJS, but it would be better to use it because it has excellent features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, etc. 


Let’s have a look at the pros & cons of AngularJS:


Angular Pros

  • It offers two-way data binding that is very helpful when you want to get or set any value in your UI.
  • We can easily pass objects and use them anywhere within our code with only a reference using dependency injection. It need not be a complete copy. 
  •  The template engine used by AngularJS is very efficient and provides many valuable tools to speed up development.
  • It supports the MVC pattern, which makes the code clean, maintainable & scalable too.


  • The data binding feature of this framework may affect performance on mobile devices if your app has a massive amount of data in it. So that’s why it is not good to use AngularJS for making mobile apps.
  • You need to learn many tools if you want the best from this framework, and it may also increase your development time. So, I would say choose angular only when you have enough resources or at least hire a dedicated developer who can efficiently utilize all features of this framework.
  • The framework is only suitable for making web apps, but if you want to create mobile apps, it will be difficult because of thHTMLe different features required for rendering UI on various platforms.



  • What are the features of React?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components.”


  • What are the benefits of choosing React?

It’s fast, has an excellent developer experience & supports native mobile apps (using react-native).


  • What is the difference between React and Angular?

AngularJS uses HTML as its template language, where we can write our custom tags. It makes it possible to create dynamic templates that change depending on variables or user input (like a form). Angular also has many features like two-way data binding & dependency injection etc. But react native is mainly used for making mobile apps.


  • What are the components in ReactJS?

The main building blocks in React are components. Each component encapsulates some behavior and renders UI elements based on data provided to it using props.


  • What is Angular? 

Angular is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and enables you to extend HTML syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.


  • What are the limitations of React?

There are no limitations of react js. React is used to make web apps but can also HTMLmake mobile apps using the react native framework.


  • What are the benefits of Angular?

Angular is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and enables you to extend HTML syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.


  • React Native vs. Ionic Framework: What’s The Difference?

React Native allows us to build native apps for mobile devices using JavaScript and React. It is used to develop high-performance, high-fidelity & cross-platform applications that can run on various platforms like iOS, Android, etc.


  • Ionic Framework vs. PhoneGap: What’s The Difference?

The ionic framework allows us to make a hybrid app in HTML, CSS & Javascript. It is used for developing lightweight apps that work across platforms.


  • What are the limitations of AngularJS?

The main limitation of this framework is that it can be used to make web apps only. Also, because of two-way data binding features, many memory will get wasted, affecting mobile devices’ performance. So I would recommend you choose react native for your business as it is the best react native development company and ensure great results!


  • What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript. It looks similar to XML and has the same rules as HTML, but it’s valid JavaScript code that can be transformed into plain javascript by React.


  • When to choose React?

React is best suited when you are making complex web apps that have dynamic, stateful UI’s.


  • What does react-native do?

It allows us to make native mobile applications in JavaScript by using React.


  • What’s the difference between React and React Native?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components.” React Native allows us to make native mobile applications in JavaScript by using React.


  • Why use React Native instead of React?

React Native allows us to make native mobile applications in JavaScript by using React. It is best for developing high-performance, high-fidelity & cross-platform applications that can run on various platforms like iOS, Android, etc.


  • Is react JS front-end or backend?

React JS is a front-end technology. It can be used for making web apps only.


  • Why use react native?

It allows us to make native mobile applications in JavaScript using React, which ensures high-performance and high-fidelity apps that run on different platforms like iOS & Android.


  • What is react, and why is it popular?

React is a library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components.” React has become popular due to its speed, simplicity & flexibility, etc.


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